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Special Interest Tour - Cathedral Faces

23 August 2024, 11:30


Friday 19 April & Friday 23 August, 11.30am

For nearly a thousand years the makers of the Cathedral have created images of faces both human and divine. Look around and you will be aware of hundreds of faces.

This tour will focus on just a few, including images of Christ, saints, bishops, faces on memorials and the unknown. We shall consider the contributions of these people to the life of the Cathedral through time; the people who make the cathedral of today such a special place.

If you have binoculars please bring them with you as some of the images are located at high level.

What's included:
Admission to Ely Cathedral.
An hours guided tour.
Lunch at the Almonry Restaurant. (This is a 2-course lunch from the daily menu, either a soup starter and main course, or a main course and dessert. The daily menu can be found here. Please note this does not include the specials menu)

Tickets: £25 per person. Tickets must be pre-booked online up to the day before your visit, via the link on this page. This tour is not suitable for children.

Please meet your guide at the west end of the Nave, 5 minutes before your tour is due to start.