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Green Fair Swish

27 July 2024, 13:00


As part of our Green Fair this year we are hosting a Swish!
Saturday 27 July
11am - Noon: Check in / drop-off
1pm - Swishing commences
(in the Cathedral Centre, opposite the Cathedral)

Swishing is an exchange of those pretty, classic and barely worn items we all have hiding in our wardrobes and finding something new instead!

Rules of the Rail

  • To participate in the Swish, bring up to 5 items of clothes, shoes or accessories. These must be wearable, ironed where relevant and clean. If you would lend it to a friend you can Swish it!
  • The points system is as follows: 10 points for high street names, 20 for premium high street and 50 points for outfits, suits, evening dresses and designer items.
  • When you check in your items, you will be awarded points according to what you've brought and your “Swicket” will be stamped in multiples of 10 points
  • When the swishing opens, you can exchange your 'new' items for points which will be crossed off your “Swicket”.
  • Any points you haven’t used can be used at a future Swishing Event.

Tickets: £5

Ely Swishing Group on Facebook.

Proceeds from the Swish will be donated to the Re-Imagine Resource Centre

The City of Ely and Ely Cathedral Green Fair

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