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Environment Action

To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth (The fifth mark of Mission)

In February 2020, the General Synod of the Church of England resolved to become carbon neutral by 2030, an objective which Ely Cathedral is seeking to implement.

The Cathedral is also taking part in the A Rocha Eco Church Award Scheme and quicky achieved the Bronze Award, followed soon after by the Silver Award in February 2020.

Our Environment Group RENEW, members of the congregation, clergy, staff and wider community are focused on ‘Going for Gold’, alongside meeting General Synod’s target to become carbon ‘net zero’ by 2030.

Upcoming Events

Thursday 18 July 6.30-8pm
Ely Earth Café

This month Bob Skelton from the Ely Cathedral Environment Group is talking about what has been happening at the Cathedral to reduce the environmental impact.
Location: Prosper Café, 16-18 Broad Street, Ely
Reserve a spot via Eventbrite

Sunday 28 July (Environment Sunday)
Litter Pick Pilgrimage
A member of Junior Church will be walking from Little Downham to the Cathedral Eucharist on the morning of 28 July, picking up litter on the way in a bid to raise awareness and money for WWF. You can donate to this cause over coffee after the service. This ‘Litter Pick Pilgrimage’ falls on Environment Sunday when the preacher will be The Revd Imogen Nay, the Bishop of Ely’s Advisor for Climate.

The City of Ely and Ely Cathedral Green Fair

Saturday 27 July, 10am - 4pm
A fun family Eco event for everyone to enjoy - Free Entry to visitors.

Read more

Ely Cathedral Environment Policy


Ely Cathedral Land Management Plan
